AI Image Generation

Simple prompt to generate high quality AI images in any styles for free. 

Text to image AI image generator, astronaut
AI image generator image collage

Generate from Text

No more complicated prompts or parameters. Use simple languages and the system will enrich it for the best results. Learn more >

Generate from Image

Generate based on uploaded or generated image. You can create portrait photos with your selfie, product photo with your item, or turn your photo into various styles. Learn more >

AI Portrait Business Photo
Modern living room with similar edge

Generate with Control

Generate images with same pose, same shape, or same styles, with simple prompts. You can also expand image with the same context. Learn more >

Text to Edit images

Generate based on uploaded or generated image. You can create create portrait photos with your selfie, product photo with your item, or turn your photo into various styles. Learn more >

Edit Hair Color with AI for Designers

Your all-in-one AI Design Agent

There are 30+ AI image generation and editing features supported in ChatDesigner. Use ChatDesigner as your one-stop-shop AI design agent from AI image generation to editing. Experience the next generation of image editing.


AI image generation in ChatDesigner works by employing a large language model to enrich user input commands, enhancing the effectiveness of various AI image generation models to produce the best possible results. You can generate AI images using text or images and continue iterating the images using the AI image editors.

ChatDesigner supports image editing through a simple chat interface with the AI; for example, to replace a cat with a dog in an image, just click the image and type “Change cat to a dog.” This user-friendly method supports a variety of editing operations, including change background, change target, move, rotate, resize and recolor. 

The varied styles in generated images are due to AI’s learning from diverse artistic datasets, but if you desire specific styles, they can specify this in your prompt. For example, saying “Create a realistic photo” + your desired content guides the AI to produce images in a realistic style. 

Yes, you can specify the style of an image generated from text by including descriptive style elements or referencing particular artistic genres in your text prompt, guiding the AI to create images that align with your desired aesthetic. For example, if you want to create a vector style logo, just use prompt “Create a vector style logo” + your desired content.